
The Sunbathing Cure

During Vaike Ruus’ presentation I learned that during the 1930’s “sunbathing” was largely accepted as a healer for different illnesses. I cannot fathom why then, despite all of the research that has shown this method to be successful, society has not reverted back to the simplistic method of treatment. If sunbathing does in fact work then why are not all doctors prescribing it to their patients? I would assume that sunbathing would be the cheapest treatment considering the suns rays are free, and yet this type of treatment is no longer used as a widespread treatment. Perhaps there are other treatments that target the specific illness more closely. Then again, perhaps it is just that doctors want to get paid and they wont receive as much money if they tell the patient that all they need for therapy is to lie out in the sun. Whatever the reason is I think that if the therapy works then it should continue to be used because it is more cost efficient and it limits the amount of chemicals being pushed into the human body.

~Trevor G

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