
Four Virtues

During Vaike Ruus’ presentation this week she was speaking about a theoretical Heliotherapeutic Spa that would cure people of their illness with the use of colour and light from the sun. During this presentation she mentioned the idea of receiving a greater strength out of an illness. I also believe that out of Illness can come a greater strength; an inner strength. I believe that when a person gets sick and it is not known if they will ever recover many thoughts pass through their mind. The most prominent thought, which must stay in their mind, is how they are going to recover from their illness.
Through the duration of an illness, a person learns many virtues. The greatest virtues, which they learn, are: strength, trust, patience and perseverance.
The strength they learn to hold is used to carry the burden of their illness as well as to remain stoic for loved ones. These people learn to portray a calm and positive demeanor to others even when in their mind their world is falling apart.
They learn to trust others in more ways because in some cases when they are ill they are no longer able to do everything they were once able to.
The patience that is learned is important in being able to wait for what seems like an eternity while the medication or other alternatives of healing takes its time to act on the illness.
Perseverance is figured to be one of the most important virtues learned while being ill. Perseverance is needed to be able to tolerate the pain and continue with the treatments even when they do not seem to work in any way. It is also needed to keep a positive attitude and a straight mind.
When the patient learns all of these virtues then they tend to be better off, whether the illness is cured or not, the patient is at peace

~Trevor G

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