

Although the election is already over, since then I have been curious about the Green Party's platform so I did some investigation.
Basically their general goals are to focus on decentralized renewable energy and less on huge projects that take a lot of resources to make and energy to continue to work. They also note that being strong as a whole, but this is nothing new and most platforms are the same saying we should stand united.
An interesting part is a strong stance with arts and culture. 75% of Canadians believe that arts and culture are important in the quality of our lives and 85% of Canadian believe that the government should support arts and culture.
Here is a summary of their reasons why:
A savvy economic development strategy recognizes that a healthy environment for Arts and Culture:

* Attracts and retains knowledge industry workers and immigrants
* Increases a sense of well-being among it’s citizens
* Generates “clean” industries
* Provides genuine and consistent returns on investment
* Proliferates small enterprises
* Promotes a stronger sense of community; artists live in all of our communities; they are not corporations with international headquarters elsewhere
* Increases people’s pride in the place where they live
* Energizes people and builds and breeds more creativity, which spills over into every domain of our lives
* Supports the tourism industry
* Enhances all levels of education

Personally I support their support in the arts and culture because I came from fine arts and I know how art has shaped my life. I do think it's important and from the many murals around the city it does give a sense of pride and shows how multicultural our city is. I have heard before that Winnipeg is a city that has miles of talent but not the market to support the monetary exchange of art so most artists within the city get noticed else where. The reason I came to architecture was because I was scared I would be unable to find a job that would support a family. It's not impossible by any means to be an artist but I need to be able to provide for myself and others. It's good to know that someone out there cares for artists and what they do. I hope that importance of the arts and culture doesn't get cut out of the budget because it's a great teaching tool and a way for artists to survive.
check it out for yourself!


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